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World Environment Day 2024

Writer: Amruta KaustubhAmruta Kaustubh

When we hear the term "environment," we are reminded of everything that is natural, prompting us to consider "environment " as the natural world encompassing living organisms and the planet that sustains this life.

We as humans are indeed gifted beings on this planet. Our unique ability to reason and comprehend the world around us sets us apart from all other species. It is through this gift of consciousness that we can appreciate our interconnectedness with the environment that sustains us. The delicate balance of nature and earth is a testament to the intricate web of life that we are a part of. From the smallest microorganism to the largest mammal, each living being plays a crucial role in maintaining this balance.

Our responsibility as humans is to cherish and protect this environment that nurtures us. By recognizing our place within this ecosystem, we can strive to live in harmony with nature, rather than against it. Through sustainable practices and mindful actions, we can ensure that future generations will also have the privilege of enjoying the beauty and abundance of our planet.

Our second book in the series Wildhood delves into the intricate relationship between children and nature. Through captivating narratives, we uncover the joy and excitement of being close to nature. Fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity and instilling a deep appreciation for the environment, the book highlights the myriad benefits that nature offers to young minds. By immersing themselves in the natural world, children not only cultivate a strong connection with the earth but also develop essential life skills such as resilience, creativity, and empathy. Through 'Wildhood-Mysteries of the forest', readers are invited to embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, rediscovering the magic of nature's boundless wonders through the lens of childhood.



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